This is pretty cool. You should finish this and make it into a song. I really like the filtered pads and sidechain around :35. Seriously though this sounds great.
5/5 4.30 / 5.00 (+ 0.032)
This is pretty cool. You should finish this and make it into a song. I really like the filtered pads and sidechain around :35. Seriously though this sounds great.
5/5 4.30 / 5.00 (+ 0.032)
Thanks man, never really expected you to come by and see this. Thanks for t he 5 and review, expect to see a full version out sometime soon!
£%u251C%u2264%u2567ïïï65%u263A651651b %u255Es65181ï%u266521¥21ï65%u263A65£6 1v5puàÑ1%u2666%u25BA£%u251C%u2264%u25 67ïïï65%u263A651651b%u255Es65181ï%u26 6521¥21ï65%u263A65£61v5puàÑ1%u2666%u2 5BA£%u251C%u2264%u2567ïïï65%u263A6516 51b%u255Es65181ï%u266521¥21ï65%u263A6 5£61v5puàÑ1%u2666%u25BA£%u251C%u2264%
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I like your style.
r u serious
omfg i funk 2 dis song on da streets, thiss isnt gay at all i cant belive dat som1 would evn say dat dis is gay like srsly me nd da boys jerk all tha time men shit fuk u u guay and dis song is gud only cuz its made by doze guyz.
Jerking is whack... point blank period.
The drums in the beginning sound like it could be more in a dance song, but that's not necessarily a bad thing although I would have used the classic trance drums with some percussion here and there. The bass was pretty bland, and it sounded like it could have been one from those generic dance songs ><. It seems like most of the synths that you used sound like they were meant for a dance song. The arp gate thing wasn't too bad, it kind of gave me this really upbeat feeling throughout the song. I'm not saying a trance song can't be upbeat, but I feel like this kind of upbeat melody would probably be better fit for a dance song. At 1:43 the saw sounds a little too raw for me :/. Are you using nexus dance leads :P? Most of the synths sound really unrefined ><. The melodies were decent, but they weren't terrible. I think you need to work on your composition and synth choice. The structure was alright, but a little repetitive. Overall the song needs some work. Even though you put the song under trance, I think this has more dance elements to it than trance. Anyways check out these VSTs for better synths: Sylenth, Nexus (:P), Z3ta, and Vangarde. Hopefully this was helpful :-/. With some more practice and experience you'll become much better!
5/5 4.31 / 5.00 (+ 0.11)
Really this is not a trance track. I think it's more near to be a rave track, but there's no rave in newgrounds, so I choose to name it as trance. The bass is exactly the same bass that has ''Scream For More'', a track from Kate Ryan. I know that it can sound a bit generic xD
I wanted to give to the track that Nipon touch', that's the reason of the strange synths & melodies xD
Thanks u 4 your review man!!
this is great, plz maek mor!!! b/c my bruther herd dis in da bakround nd he rlly rrlly like it!!!! man i luv rap~~
hi hi
4.44 / 5.00 (+ 0.26)
anyways cool song. some saw synth thing comes in around :31, try fixing some of the notes on that because they sound a little awkward. anyways sweet reese bass lols.
thankayou and I agree
you got this shit down fast
looks like you got that gritty bass that you always wanted, in your other tunes it wasn't nearly as strong as this one. can't wait to hear some new tracks! what drum samples do you use now?
3.96 / 5.00 (+ 0.16)
saw your news post... i'll try increasing your scores
hah thanks kalapsia, samples for this song are like 2-3 layered breaks from i think it was called Ekaj's Breaks. and the default fruity snare layered in there.
gritty bass is from Masssive which I realized completely destroys Sytrus at making reeses.
fuk yo
dis shit is burnin hot ma
neva goona let you go
i am nevar neva goona let you go
lol thanks i think. i dont know if you singin it or mockin me ...lolz...
I cant believe the haters! 3.6??? damn i cant believe people hatin on the song like this
i could have
i could have sword
What the fuck?
helo every1!!!!
Age 93, Male
Joined on 1/14/08